He had been up all night shadowing a team of poachers.
My boss was shadowing me at the register on my first day, and things were going okay but I was pretty nervous with her watching over my shoulder .
The way to improve your speaking is to practice. You could do some "shadowing". This involves copying native speakers who are speaking on audio or video recordings.
In such a case, shadowing is defeated and the compiler resolves any reference to the same element it would have if there had been no shadowing.
Do some research about local professionals in your chosen field and approach them about shadowing them or doing some volunteer work for them.
The formula of the scattering cross section for the conducting fractal surface is derived by the consideration of the shadowing effect.
If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.
确定你的硬件安装正确,如果还是不行, 去掉新的硬件。然后让BIOS里面内存选项中的缓存和影射关掉。
Methods such as shadowing, retelling, logic reconstructing, mental modeling, and building up long-term memory are suggested to enhance the above skills.
The mountains were shadowing into blackness.
I'm shadowing one of the managers part of the day and I sit in on important meetings all the time.
影子练习(shadowing)又叫目的语或源语复述练习,是口译工作者练习同传技巧中常见的一种练习方式,增强口译员听说同步能力以及短期记忆能力。国际上多所口译研究所都视影子练习作为衡量口译员入门等级的测试之一。 影子练习的一大特色就是训练口译员听说同步。把这个练习引申到我们的雅思听力训练中,即可理解为是对英语(论坛)听力原文的跟读练习。