The interference among them is corrected by the equivalent concentration method.
Due to the interaction of anchor and soil, the displacement of pile is evidently greater than the equivalent concentration condition.
The physical distribution constant, m, increased with TRPO concentration, and equivalent to additive of the physical extraction ability of diluent and TRPO.
Experimental and numerical analyses are carried out to equivalent boundary condition of chloride concentration for corrosion simulation of RC structures at the splash zone.
Using a combustion model some problems such as: the relationship between ignition delay and fuel concentration, the relationship between soot concentration and the equivalent ratio of mixt…
Proton conducting capacity is dominated by proton conductivity and equivalent conductivity not by proton volume concentration, micro structure was visibly characterized by TEM.
In tne range of concentration studied, decrease in equivalent conductance is in agreement with the prediction on the basis of the structure of the complexes.
If such a concentration of drinking water per day, one year the amount of radiation equivalent to 1,000 micro-West, which is the safety of the human body can withstand a year of nuclear radiation.
METHODS The concentration of baicalin in rat plasma was determined by a HPLC-ECD method after oral administration of baicalein and baicalin at the equivalent dose.
The equivalent sound absorption coefficient of the system can be calibrated by the distilled water. The accuracy of the system can be gotten by the magnesium sulfate solutions of known concentration.