Several chemical and physical properties of ASP have been evaluated based on specific optical rotation values and sugar composition.
基于特定的旋光度值和糖成分,已经评估了 ASP 的几种化学和物理性质。
What do we mean by physical properties?
The physical properties of granite are well known.
He measured the physical properties of the material.
There are no physical properties that go with the statement 'I am truly at rest.
世界上没有与‘我是真正地处于静止’ 声明相匹配的物理性质。
物理性质(Physical property)是物理学专业术语,其定义有两个,一是指物质不需要经过化学变化就表现出来的性质,如:颜色、气味等;二是指物质没有发生化学反应就表现出来的性质,如熔点、沸点等。物理性质属于统计物理学范畴,即物理性质是大量分子所表现出来的性质,不是单个原子或分子所具有的。