Old Are you Chinese , deary ?
Oh, deary , deary me.
"We want to use these data to find out why some people's thinking skills age better than others, " Deary said.
"I saw the highlights of the Bayern Munich match and it was an incredible decision for that winning goal... deary, deary me," Ferguson said.
"We have found gene signals associated with cognitive abilities," researcher Ian Deary, a psychologist at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, told LiveScience.
deary中文名称媞尔妮 ,专注于身体及脸部保养领域,有护肤润肤品为主! deary媞尔妮为国内著名企业“统一集团”所成立的“统欣生物科技”旗下品牌,拥有专业的研发中心,国内代工厂为上海格兰化妆品有限公司,上海格兰是一家外资企业,占地31,000平米,有15年历史的专业化妆品ODM工厂。