Instead of provoking eye rolls with yet another rendition of the old-school classic-rock song, belt out Kid rock's easy-to-sing-along-to ode to summer lovin '.
抛弃了挑衅地转动眼睛和另一种老派的经典摇滚的表演,取而代之的是高歌Kid Rock容易跟唱的夏之爱的颂歌。
So Manoah took a kid with a meat offering, and offered it upon a rock unto the LORD: and the angel did wonderously; and Manoah and his wife looked on.
Kid Rock 这个世界闻名的男人,向来是难以给他划分派别的; 在他于2001年发布了其出色的专辑\COCKY\之后,这位底特律骄子终于在万众期待之中带来了他的同名新专辑,这也是一张流派模糊的混合型专辑。