a verification of the identity and trustworthiness of someone such as a government employee, in order to maintain security
a search of an area or of a person and their baggage for concealed weapons or bombs
n. 安全审查;安全检查
The flight delay was occasioned by the need for a further security check.
Please accept our security check.
The security check is very strict.
The security check will last for 7 months.
A security check agent talks with her.
安全检查(Security Check),简称安检,是指为降低安全风险所采取的一切检验手段,为风险管理主要内容之一,涵盖社会、经济与政治生活中的各个领域。 根据特定的对象和要求,安检包括对特定建筑与设施建设的验收、特定场所人员及随行物品的进入、生产与产品流通过程、特定领域(如计算机网络)、人员和货物出海关、入境、通关以及特定场所和设备工具的定期安全检验,对施工项目贯彻安全生产法律法规的情况、安全生产状况、劳动条件、事故隐患等所进行的检查。其主要内容包括查思想、查制度、查机械设备、查安全卫生设施、查安全教育及培训、查生产人员行为、在防护用品施工、查伤亡事故处理等。如机场安检时电子产品通常要单独检查,是为了避免干扰仪器扫描。安全检查的方法:看;量;测;现场操作。 安全检查的类型:经常性安全检查、安全生产大检查、专业性检查、季节性检查和节假日前后的检查等。 安全检查评分等级划分为:优秀,合格,不合格。
a verification of the identity and trustworthiness of someone such as a government employee, in order to maintain security
a search of an area or of a person and their baggage for concealed weapons or bombs