【动】 水母体;水母期。比较<Bold>POLYP</Bold>.
a jellyfish
【希 腊神话】 墨杜萨(唯一会死的蛇发女怪戈耳工,被珀尔修斯砍头而死)。
"mid 18th cent.: named by association with
n. 水母体;水母期;(Medusa)墨杜萨
With a thin scream, like a tea-kettle whistle, the medusa starts to descend.
The fried egg jellyfish, also known as medusa, produce eggs that are fertilized in sea water, which then develop into a tiny larva fixed to sea bed organisms.
Milton has dug up a gem from the pages of The Iliad, and this gem has something like a Medusa effect on the poem or on us as readers.
Medusa can turn men into stone.
Avoid looking at Medusa.
美杜莎,(Μέδουσα、Medusa)是古希腊神话中蛇发女妖,戈耳工三姐妹之一,父亲是福耳库斯,母亲是海妖刻托。 美杜莎因拥有倾国倾城的美貌,被波塞冬看上,后被雅典娜变为一个以蛇为发,有着野猪般的獠牙、青铜的手爪、金色的翅膀的怪物。任何直望美杜莎双眼的人都会变成石像,美杜莎最后被英雄珀耳修斯斩除。 在电影《诸神之战》中,该角色由演员娜塔丽·沃佳诺娃饰演。
【动】 水母体;水母期。比较<Bold>POLYP</Bold>.
a jellyfish
【希 腊神话】 墨杜萨(唯一会死的蛇发女怪戈耳工,被珀尔修斯砍头而死)。
"mid 18th cent.: named by association with
But what you don't know is that Dirk, Dave, Dave won't be using his bazooka serum, Medusa Serum, Medusa Serum on anybody.
《Penguins of Madagascar》《马达加斯加的企鹅》
That part is accurate. Show him, Rico. You stole the Medusa Serum?
《Penguins of Madagascar》《马达加斯加的企鹅》
No one's that bad. She is. I would barely be exaggerating if I told you Medusa wants her withering glare back.
没人那么差劲吧。她就是,我毫不夸张地说美杜沙都要让她三分 (希腊神话中的女妖)。
《Gossip Girl Season 1》《绯闻女孩 第一季》
In order to reverse the ray, we would need to replace the Medusa Serum with a power source of almost immeasurable cuteness.
《Penguins of Madagascar》《马达加斯加的企鹅》
Turn yourself in, David. You're powerless now that I've stolen your precious Medusa Serum. What? You? You didn't steal that. It's over.
投降吧,戴夫 。你已经黔驴技穷了 因为我已经偷了你那宝贵的美杜莎血清。什么,就你?那不是你偷得。都结束了。
《Penguins of Madagascar》《马达加斯加的企鹅》
What you, of course, could not know is that Dr. Brine's laboratory in Venice is secretly developing a doomsday weapon called the Medusa Serum.
《Penguins of Madagascar》《马达加斯加的企鹅》