〈史〉 自耕农;小土地私有者。
a person qualified for certain duties and rights, such as to serve on juries and vote for the knight of the shire, by virtue of possessing free land of an annual value of 40 shillings
〈史〉 自由民(拥有私有土地,且年收入达40先令,有资格履行某些义务和享受某些权利如参加陪审团及选举郡议员等的土地私有者)。
〈史〉 (王室或贵族的)侍从。
〈英〉 义勇骑兵队队员。
a petty officer in the US navy performing clerical duties on board ship
yeoman service efficient or useful help in need 及时有效的帮助;雪中送炭
"Middle English: probably from