be in the least advantageous or successful position; suffer the most
If they restructure their cost base for the worst case, they can get their organization healthy for the turnaround when it comes and take advantage of opportunities that present themselves.
The people who are in the know -know who's trustworthy as a borrower and who has a good prospect of paying it back -but if I go in there ignorantly, I'm going to get stuck with the worst stuff.
One of the worst aspects of a jungle wilderness is the density of the vegetation, making it difficult to get your bearings.
The next part is the worst, knowing that there is much more to get out of the book, I would file it on my bookshelf, and tell myself I was going to read it again.
"This is the worst situation I have experienced," says Yang Yongchang, who has been general manager of the Jiangyin Huaxi Iron and Steel Company for eight years. "it will get worse in the future."
be in the least advantageous or successful position; suffer the most