【财政】 股票溢价。
n. 股票溢价
The initial recording of the 50020 internal share premium account was the following.
However, BA's share price rose, as the decline in its premium traffic for October slowed considerably compared with recent months.
The premium of the purchase price over the share price before the bid is higher on average when the target has a poison pill or staggered board than when it does not.
The “I love Jack” premium baked into the share price under Mr Immelt's celebrated predecessor, Jack Welch, has long gone.
The deal represents a high premium on the smaller oil company’s stock price, which was $4.45 per share at Friday’s close.
股本溢价(share premium) 是指股份有限公司溢价发行股票时实际收到的款项超过股票面值总额的数额。 股本溢价是资本公积一种,而资本公积是指投资者或者他人投入到企业、所有权归属于投资者、并且投入金额超过法定资本部分的资金。资本公积包括:资本 (或股本)溢价、接受捐赠非现金资产准备、股权投资准备、拨款转入、外币资本折算差额、关联交易差价以及其他资本公积。 股本溢价,主要指股份有限公司溢价发行股票而产生的,股票发行收入超过所发股票面值的部分扣除发行费后的余额。股份有限公司是以发行股票的方式筹集资本。根据我国《公司法》第131条规定:股票发行价格可以按票面金额,也可以超过票面金额,但不得低于票面金额。也就是说发行股票只能平价或溢价发行,我国不存在股票折价发行的问题,不会出现股本折价。另外发行股票的股本(指股份有限公司实际发行的股票的面值)总额应与注册资本相等。
【财政】 股票溢价。