a large white arctic bear which lives mainly on the pack ice. It is a powerful swimmer and feeds chiefly on seals.
People brave the icy water of English Bay to celebrate the New Year during the 92nd annual Polar Bear Swim in Vancouver.
But before we all turn our thermostats down or consider joining the Polar Bear Club, can brown fat actually cause weight loss?
As I climb through the stars, stretching myself into a constellation, the Great Polar Bear, I wonder how many millions of years it will be before a wiser species than Homo sapiens inhabits the earth?
The melting has already threatened native animals like the polar bear. Arctic melting could also affect Earth's climate.
What Keeps a Polar Bear Cool in Summer?
Adopt a polar bear. Factoid: These animals are highly nomadic, but scientists estimate that 60 percent of polar bears live in Canada.
The Coney Island Polar Bear Club uses the day to take a dip in the freezing waters of the Atlantic.
More than a thousand of the world's largest land carnivores migrate through the "polar bear capital of the world" during October and November, when the first ice forms on the edge of Hudson Bay.
He does not even feel guilty for procreating with Mrs. Polar Bear.
"Bears" is an installation of giant acrylic polar bear structures which stroll around Covent Garden area both in the main market hall and outside as well.
Food onshore is very limited and there is simply nothing comparable to a seal that provides a polar bear with fat and energy.
Polar Bear Clubs in many northern hemisphere cities near bodies of water, have a tradition of holding organized plunges on New r's Day.
And what better treat could a polar bear get on a hot day but some big blocks of ice?
Join a polar bear club or sing along with a busker in the streets and see what happens.
Yet, while not wanting to begrudge the polar bear his ice, we should be at least somewhat concerned at this recent shift in thinking.
You think I am a stupid polar bear?
Polar bear paws have thick fur and sharp claws.
Man : Maybe you should be, boy. Why, back when I lived in Alaska, our zoo had a polar bear named Binky.
Polar bear paws have thick fur and sharp claws. The fur gives them better traction on ice, while the claws are excellent weapons for hunting.
On her way, she met a polar bear.
A polar bear leaps off of sea ice near Devon Island in the Canadian Arctic. Strong swimmers, polar bears have slightly webbed paws to aid in paddling.
According to a news story, if global warming continues, in 20 years the only chance we'll have to see a polar bear is in a zoo.
Information, in this analogy, is our lion or polar bear.
Inuka the bear became famous as the first and only polar bear to be born in the tropics.
While a Polar bear sleeping on an ice berg with its paws clutched around it like a toddler holding their teddy bear is truly cute.
In the bear family, only the polar bear is white.
It's from the joke of polar bear.
北极熊(拉丁学名:Ursus maritimus),食肉目熊科动物,是世界上最大的陆地食肉动物。 北极熊主要分布在北极,其头部较小,耳小而圆,颈细长,足宽大,肢掌多毛;北极熊在熊科动物家族中属于正牌的食肉动物,它们主要捕食海豹,特别是环斑海豹,此外也会捕食髯海豹、鞍纹海豹、冠海豹。
Polar Bear Studio,香港摇滚唱作音乐人黄贯中创办的独立唱片音乐制作公司,黄贯中2002年后所有专辑皆在此灌录及制作。
a large white arctic bear which lives mainly on the pack ice. It is a powerful swimmer and feeds chiefly on seals.
Finally, we have 14 missing mammal cases. All predators. From a giant polar bear to a teensy little otter.