human-rights causes
时间: 2024-03-18 12:40:44
英 [ˈhjuːmən raɪts ˈkɔːzɪz]
美 [ˈhjuːmən raɪts ˈkɔːzɪz]


  • The website launched its latest auction to raise money for the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial, a non-profit group that provides funding to human-rights causes.


  • She became Britain's fourth-richest woman, financing a range of pacifist, ecological and human-rights causes, and planned to give away her remaining fortune.


  • Sigrid Rausing, a top British donor to human-rights causes, says she regrets the “blurring” of the original mission: “There are so few organisations that focus on individual prisoners of conscience.

    英国人权事业的顶级捐助人西格丽德·罗辛(Sigrid Rausing)表示,她对最初使命的“模糊不清”感到遗憾:“只有如此少的组织把重点放在良心犯个体上。”

  • Sigrid Rausing, a top British donor to human-rights causes, says she regrets the "blurring" of the original mission: "There are so few organisations that focus on individual prisoners of conscience."

    英国人权事业的顶级捐助人西格丽德·罗辛(Sigrid Rausing)表示,她对最初使命的“模糊不清”感到遗憾:“只有如此少的组织把重点放在良心犯个体上。”

  • Sigrid Rausing, a top British donor to human-rights causes, says she regrets the “blurring” of the original mission: “There are so few organisations that focus on individual prisoners of conscience.”

    英国人权事业的顶级捐助人西格丽德·罗辛(Sigrid Rausing)表示,她对最初使命的“模糊不清”感到遗憾:“只有如此少的组织把重点放在良心犯个体上。”

  • Writing the foreword brief description of the causes and to explore key issues to the international human rights conventions to improve our standard defense lawyers lay the foundation for the system.



as it were 也许可以这么说;在某种程度上

my favourite singer 我最喜欢的歌手

financial planning 财务规划;财政规划;金融策划

schmitt adj. (双稳态电路等)施密特的;[电子](双稳态电路等)施密特的

acquiescing vi. 默许;勉强同意;(acquiesce的现在分词形式)

have a collection of 有一批

things fall apart 事情变得支离破碎

besmirches v. 诋毁;玷污;弄脏;使褪色;(besmirch的第三人称单数)

flash into 闪现

corny adj. 陈腐的;老套的;感伤的