Cherbourg had a splendid harbour enclosed by a long sea wall.
Because it is virtually an enclosed basin, with an outlet to the sea only 55 km wide at the Strait of Hormuz, the gulf is especially vulnerable to oil spills.
This other China has many mountain ranges, thousand kilometre long chains stretching from west to east dividing the land into enclosed plateaus and basins whose rivers never reach any sea.
Today, the Navy's Marine Mammal Program includes several species of dolphins as well as sea lions that are trained to swim into enclosed Spaces and mark enemy frogmen.
The rooftop terrace has both glass-enclosed and open-air dining tables with views of the Sea of Marmara.
内海(Inland Sea),是指深入大陆内部,除了有狭窄水道跟外海或大洋相通外,四周被大陆内部、半岛、岛屿或群岛包围的海域。如波罗的海、加勒比海等 。最大的内海是加勒比海(Caribbean Sea)。