The defender raises a defense mode without knowledge of the specific attack mode
The DC modifier of an unanswered psionic attack mode is + 8.
Likewise, a psionic hydra can only use one attack mode per round.
同样地, 一只灵能多头蛇蜥每轮也只能发动一次心灵攻击模式.
Here you some cannon fodder for the attack mode.
Various enemies and pay attention to the attack mode of each kind of enemy.
Kobe Bryant is in full attack mode at the NBA Finals as he eyes a shot to enhance his legacy and halt the Shaq attacks.
科比布赖恩特在 NBA总决赛中进攻状态极佳,他坚毅的目光充分显示出他的篮球天赋,阻止了大鲨鱼奥尼尔的进攻。