In the list of payees at your financial institution.
In the example, you will need the description of the financial institution and the process itself.
For this example, the partners are the customer and the financial institution.
As part of its stimulus programme in 2009 lending by every financial institution in China spiked dramatically.
In reality, a commercial bank, as a financial institution, is an enterprise that deals in money with loans being its assets and deposits being its Liabilities.
“Italy only reacts under an emergency,” says the boss of an Italian financial institution. “Now there is one.
Because it is run by a decentralized network of computers around the world, Bitcoin does not require a central authority like a central bank or financial institution.
Each individual financial institution and, indeed, each individual project within that institution, will have a distinct set of challenges relating to the target operating environment.
In recent years, the bankruptcy of Hainan Development Bank and some non-banking financial institution have already sent out alarm for us.
Or that a major financial institution could fail in the first decade of the 21st century, pushing the entire global financial system to the brink?
Assume you know of a financial institution that provides a loan approval service and is described by Listing 2 below.
假定您知道有一个提供贷款批准服务的金融机构,其描述如下面 清单2所示。
The point was that people see the world differently, and that as a financial institution, they understand that and are flexible enough to act accordingly.
“Italy only reacts under an emergency, ” says the boss of an Italian financial institution.
About 20 per cent of troubled sovereign and related financial institution debt is held in this way.
The government has had to bail out only one big financial institution in the past six weeks.
For example, one survey done in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou found that we were by far the most-recognised foreign financial institution.
While the recession is getting worse, the financial crisis that started it has been contained—for now. The government has had to bail out only one big financial institution in the past six weeks.
But the financial institution has been struggling to stem an avalanche of criticism over its activities.
Transactions in which a business either sells its accounts receivable to a financial institution (often called a factor) or borrows money by pledging its accounts receivable as collateral.
What we need, and soon, is a “resolution regime”, governing how the government may take over any big financial institution and sell, nationalise or close it.
金融机构(Financial Institution)是指从事金融服务业有关的金融中介机构,为金融体系的一部分,金融服务业(银行、证券、保险、信托、基金等行业)与此相应。 金融中介机构也包括银行、证券公司、保险公司、信托投资公司和基金管理公司等。同时亦指有关放贷的机构,发放贷款给客户在财务上进行周转的公司,而且他们的利息相对也较银行为高,但较方便客户借贷,因为不需繁复的文件进行证明。