If you desire a peaceful life, but you believe, "life's a struggle!" you will create the strife in which you believe, and not the peace you desire.
Studies indicate that commuting is one of life's least enjoyable activities, that looking after the kids is more of a struggle than we like to admit and that eating is one of life's great pleasures.
《Life's a Struggle》,是源动力唱片公司于2003.08.07为宋岳庭的作品出版发行的一张音乐专辑。 2003年8月7日,在宋岳庭过世一周年前夕,一张名之《Life's a Struggle》专辑问世了,这是母亲与弟弟、表弟们从他的遗物中整理出来,几费周章才完成的。