a tropical orchid with long narrow leaves and arching stems bearing several flowers, growing chiefly as an epiphyte from Asia to Australasia and widely grown for buttonholes
"modern Latin, from Greek
n. 兰花;兰属植物
Pink Cymbidium, Yellow Freesia, Mini Rose & Greenery.
粉惠兰, 黄较剪兰, 红小玫瑰及衬叶。
I raised my hand to him my little cymbidium lying in my hand.
I raised my hand to him, my little cymbidium lying in my hand.
Cymbidium, also known as tiger orchid, Cymbidium orchid, and cicadas.
Cymbidium is the city flower of Shaoxing and also a famous flower in China.
兰草(拉丁学名:Eupatorium fortunei Turcz.),别名为佩兰、香草、八月白,兰科兰属单子叶植物。 兰草是多年生草本,高40到100厘米。根茎横走,淡红褐色。茎直立,绿色或红紫色,基部茎达0.5厘米,分枝少或仅在茎顶有伞房状花序分枝。全部茎枝被稀疏的短柔毛,花序分枝及花序梗上的毛较密,头状花序多数在茎顶及枝端排成复伞房花序,花冠长约5毫米,花果期7到11月。产于中国大部分地区,日本、朝鲜等地。兰草是药用全草,性平,味辛,利湿,健胃,清暑热。
a tropical orchid with long narrow leaves and arching stems bearing several flowers, growing chiefly as an epiphyte from Asia to Australasia and widely grown for buttonholes
"modern Latin, from Greek