a particular part or feature of something
personal effectiveness in all aspects of life 在生活各个方面表现出来的个人影响力
the financial aspect can be overstressed. 财务方面的问题可能会被过分强调。
a particular way in which something may be considered
from every aspect theirs was a changing world. 从各个方面来看他们的世界是一个不断改变着的世界。
[in sing., with modifier]a particular appearance or quality
the air of desertion lent the place a sinister aspect 荒芜的景象给这个地方蒙上了一种不祥的色彩
[mass noun]
a man of decidedly foreign aspect. 一个带有明显外国特征的男子。
[usu. in sing.]the positioning of a building or thing in a particular direction
a greenhouse with a southern aspect. 朝南的温室。
the side of a building facing a particular direction
the front aspect of the hotel was unremarkable. 旅馆的正面看上去不起眼。
【占星】 黄道中一天体和另一天体之间的角度关系(或相对位置);方位
the sun in Aries formed an adverse aspect with Uranus in Capricorn. 白羊座中的恒星与摩羯座中的天王星构成了一个不吉利的角。
[mass noun]
【语法】 体
the semantics of tense and aspect 时与体的语义学
[count noun]
four verbal aspects. 动词的四种体。
【占星】 (行星与另一天体)形成角度关系(或相对方位)
the sun is superbly aspected by your ruler Mars on the 19th. 19日太阳与你的命运星火星构成极好的角度。
aspect of ... ...的方面
in every aspect 在各方面
from every aspect 从各方面
"late Middle English (denoting the action or a way of looking at something): from Latin