The cost of acquisition occurs only at the beginning of a relationship, so the longer the relationship, the lower the amortized cost.
This problem arises from the decline in bond prices and the insurance accounting convention that allows companies to carry bonds at amortized cost, regardless of market value.
If we could do sort, then we saw, if we amortized the cost, that searching is a lot more efficient if we're searching a sorted list.
Where bonds are acquired at a premium or discount, the difference between the cost and the face value of the bonds shall be amortized over the periods prior to maturity of the bonds.
Likewise, finalizers are normally processed as a background task, so their cost is usually amortized across the system's idle time.
摊余成本(amortized cost)是指用实际利率作计算利息的基础,投资成本减去利息后的金额。金融资产或金融负债的摊余成本,是指该金融资产或金融负债的初始确认金额经过调整后的结果。