[mass noun] the relative extent of something; a thing's overall dimensions or magnitude; how big something is
the schools varied in size 这些学校的规模不一
a forest the size of Wales 一片如威尔士大小的森林
[count noun]
firms of all sizes. 各种规模的公司。
extensive dimensions or magnitude
she seemed slightly awed by the size of the building .她似乎有些惊诧于这幢楼之大。
each of the classes, typically numbered, into which garments or other articles are divided according to how large they are
I can never find anything in my size .我从来都找不到符合我尺码的衣物。
a person or garment corresponding to such a numbered class
she's a size 10 .她穿十号。
alter or sort in terms of size or according to size
twist drills are sized in millimetres .螺旋钻的大小按毫米来划分。
she was trying to size up a room with a tape measure .她正试图用一把卷尺测量房间的大小。
〈非正式〉 大致评价;估量
the two men sized each other up .这两个人相互估量着。
having a specified size; sized
marble-size chunks of hail .大如玻璃弹子的冰雹。
a gelatinous solution used in glazing paper, stiffening textiles, and preparing plastered walls for decoration
treat with size to glaze or stiffen
of a size (of two or more people or things) having the same dimensions (两个或多个人或物)同样大小的 -
of some size fairly large 相当大的 -
that's about the size of it informal said to confirm someone's assessment of a situation, especially of one regarded as bad 〈非正式〉 (尤指确认某人对某个被认为不好的情况所做的评价)大概是这样 -
to size to the dimensions wanted 按所需的尺寸the PVC sheet is easily cut to size . PVC板很容易按所需的尺寸切割
the size of …的尺寸
"Middle English (also in the sense ‘assize, ordinance fixing a rate of payment’): from Old French