He could no longer tolerate an inept administration that considers giving $150 billion to Iran for releasing five radical Islamic terrorists a successful negotiation.
The goal of a successful negotiation is to achieve our objectives and continue to have people like us.
Successful negotiation of pricing and trade terms with local suppliers to ensure most competitive supply source.
The key to a successful negotiation is to be prepared -- and the more you know about yourself and your worth, the better your potential outcome.
Only full and systematic preparation has been made can we have confidence and easiness to deal with things, thus laying the foundation for successful negotiation.
The selection is subject to the successful negotiation of a Cooperative Agreement with MSU and a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review of the proposed site.
该项决议的达成得益于密歇根州立大学与国家环保局的谈判顺利完成。 双方根据国家环境保护法就选址问题达成一致并签订合作协议。