The choice is truly yours.
I really recommend this exercise if you're interested in simplifying or whatever you want to call it when you build yourself a life that is really, truly yours.
You learned how to write business and headings and salutations, state your purpose, make a request, set expectations for a response, and wrap it up with a Very Truly Yours.
你学会了怎样写商务和普通信件的标题、称呼,说明你的目的,提出要求,定出期望的回应,并以一个“Very Truly Yours”的落款结束。
You learned how to write business and casual headings and salutations, state your purpose, make a request, set expectations for a response, and wrap it up with a Very Truly Yours.
你学会了怎样写商务和普通信件的标题、称呼,说明你的目的,提出要求,定出期望的回应,并以一个“Very Truly Yours”的落款结束。
I might add: How many of those Facebook acquaintances of yours truly deserve the title "friend"?