To convert an existing column into a primary key, click on the column (property in the class) in the diagram.
For example, the "How" column has a strong process emphasis and can be compared with the UML Activity diagram.
There are certain properties which can be modified from the diagram — for instance, adding a new column in a table and so on.
Diagram illustrates a typical two-column layout marked up using divs with id and class attributes.
This will make to move in the engineering diagram or change a headline column size easy.
柱形图,又称长条图、柱状统计图(德文:Säulendiagramm、英文:bar chart、西班牙文:diagrama de barras)亦称条图(德文:Stabdiagramm、英文:bar graph、西班牙文:diagrama de columnas)、条状图、棒形图,是一种以长方形的长度为变量的统计图表。长条图用来比较两个或以上的价值(不同时间或者不同条件),只有一个变量,通常利用于较小的数据集分析。长条图亦可横向排列,或用多维方式表达。