senior vice president
时间: 2024-01-13 13:51:21
英 [ˈsiːnɪə vʌɪs 'prezɪd(ə)nt]
美 [ˈsinjər vaɪs 'prɛzɪdənt]


  • Rometty is a senior vice president at IBM, as well as the head of sales and the new head of marketing and strategy.


  • "I really wanted to find a way to make that amazing technology a retail reality," said company senior vice president David Lauren, in a statement.


  • "I all but insist that we pull out all the stops and pursue him like wolves," senior vice president Jonathan Rosenberg wrote to his fellow executives.

    “我强调一定要全力以赴,如狼似虎的将他拉拢过来。” 高级副总裁乔纳森·罗森伯格在写给他同事的邮件中说道。

  • Robert Dirk said that he was responsible for the Hilton Hotel brand management and marketing senior vice president.


  • There is no evidence of hidden leaks, Kent Wells, BP’s senior vice president for exploration and production, said on a conference call with reporters yesterday.


  • MARIO RITTER: Hudson Riehle, senior vice president of research at the National Restaurant Association, says food trucks are here to stay.


  • As Senior Vice President, Human Resources, for one of the world's largest organisations, one might expect that Gina Qiao had always hankered after a career in HR.


  • Bruce Watzman, senior vice president for regulatory affairs at the National Mining Association, an industry group, urged the committee not to impose increased regulation.


  • Jobs's absence. They include Jonathan Ive, a London-born designer who is Apple's senior vice president for industrial design and close to Mr. Jobs.


  • Later, she became Senior Vice President of the leading investment banking firm on the West Coast.


  • "The new 3GI is as light as air, " said Apple senior vice president Philip Schiller, reaching inside an empty display case, apparently to remove the mobile device.


  • Andy Rubin, Senior Vice President of Mobile at Google, said, “We expect that this combination will enable us to break new ground for the Android ecosystem.


  • "One of the most iconic symbols of Michael Jackson's music and performance legacy is his signature glove, " shared Tony Key, senior vice president of sales and marketing, Ubisoft.


  • "Michael Jackson's iconic glove is easily one of the most recognizable and coveted items in the history of music, " shared Tony Key, senior vice president of sales and marketing, Ubisoft.


  • Interstate (China) hotel and go vacationing village management limited company already announced to appoint prosperous gentleman assumes senior vice president newly for the company.


  • "Movies are now celluloid books," said John Wright, senior vice president of Ipsos.


  • Zhu Yuan, senior vice president of McDonald's China Development Co and vividly said.


  • Don Ralph, senior vice president of supply chain logistics for Staples Inc., says volatility is one of the constants in his business nowadays.


  • Jon DeVaan will continue in his role as senior vice president, reporting to Steven.


  • Google senior vice president said that Google is currently the world's largest renewable energy power business buyers.


  • And that's where Jeff Williams, Apple's senior vice president of operations, comes in.


  • I'm Senior Vice President at Stratton Oakmont and I plan on being one of the top brokers in my firm next year.


    《The Wolf of Wall Street》《华尔街之狼》


within an inch of 差点儿;贴近

have whiskers 古老;不再新奇

live-in adj. 寄住在雇主家的;居住的;与他人同居的;住宅的。n. 作为性伴侣与他人同居者;住家雇员

dialectical adj. 逻辑论证的;辩证的

run high 水满的, 高涨的, 水流湍急的;强烈, 剧烈

rehearsal room 排演室;排练室;排练场

dwarfing n. 侏儒;矮子。adj. 矮小的;相形见绌的。vt. 使矮小;(dwarf的现在分词形式)。vi. 变矮小;(dwarf的现在分词)

tenancies pl-n. 租赁;租用;(tenancy的复数)

variations n. 变种;变化;变异;变奏曲;(variation的复数)

walking into 走进