The fracture of piston rod of new hydrogen compression pump is studied by metallography and electron probe in this paper.
The application of concentration system with multi - effect thermal compression pump could reduce the consumption of the steam and lower the production cost.
Straight line motor twin-tub compression pump of the present invention is compression pump with novel double-stator straight line motor and twin cylinder structure.
本发明所述的直线电机双缸压缩泵,是在压缩泵内设置了新型的 双定子直线电机和与之相配的双汽缸结构。
One effective for asthma in 5-micron particles below normal compression pump atomizer atomized particles 5 microns or less in the percentage content of more than 50%.
As the Roots pump is a non-vacuum inside the compression, the compression ratio is usually very low, so high, medium and vacuum pumps need to pump before.