时间: 2023-11-02 17:53:46


  • Wilson first worked as a driver through a student-support programme of the non-profit organization.


  • A snowmobile driver had repeatedly attempted to harm her and her team, and one of Zirkle's dogs had received a non-life-threatening injury.


  • For example, research at the University of London showed that part of the hippocampus of London taxi cab drivers is actually larger than that of a non-taxi driver control group.


  • However, in order for the filesystem driver to work properly, it has one important requirement; it expects to find the meta-data in some kind of reasonable, consistent, non-corrupted state.


  • If you're the designated driver, or just abstaining, here's a non-alcoholic drink you could sip all night long: seltzer water mixed with a bit of 100 percent fruit juice.

    如果你是个司机或是正在戒酒, 这也有你可以整晚品味的无酒精版饮料: 用苏打水加兑一点100%的纯果汁就好了.

  • It can help make a non-blocking driver operate in a seemingly blocking way without sacrificing the non-blocking features.


  • In the second part of her essay Driver tackles the thorny philosophical question of whether one can behave immorally when in “non-veridical” (illusory) circumstances.


  • Our Gold Service tickets entitled us to a free shuttle to our hotel, with a driver who expected no tips, while the Red Service passengers had the non-option of paying to reach the town.

    黄金等的车票包括送乘客到酒店的巴士,不需另付小费。 “红色”等的乘客别无选择,只能买票进城。

  • A DB2 connect and stored procedures solution do not require a separate driver or a separate connection to these non-DB2 mainframe data sources.

    DB 2 Connect和存储过程解决方案不需要单独的驱动程序或者到这些非db 2大型主机数据源的单独连接。

  • The mapping from special file to kernel driver is made possible by the major number, not the actual device name, which is irrelevant to a non-devfs system.

    让特殊文件到内核驱动程序的映射成为可能的是主设备号,而不是真实的设备名称(它和非 devfs 系统无关)。

  • NeverBlock cannot help making a blocking driver non-blocking.


  • The other reason would be to map the memory to be non-paged so the driver can also read it at raised IRQL levels.


  • Among those who prefer to driver, however, about 21.5 percent were obese, and it also didn't matter whether they lived in walkable or non-walkable neighborhoods.


  • When you use a non-XA driver in a distributed transaction, always obtain a JDBC connection after the distributed transaction is begun.


  • This depends on whether you are using a non-XA or XA driver.


  • As the driver of the micro multi-rotor craft, the micro BLDC motor was of simple structure, easy fabrication, non commutation spark and so on.


  • When a vehicle approaches a crosswalk, the driver should observe the movement of pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles before passing.


  • Where the losses in a traffic accident are caused intentionally by the driver of a non-motor vehicle or a pedestrian, the driver of the motor vehicle shall not bear liability.


  • Second, a number of LED driver topologies were introduced in the round. The topology type is divided into non-switching power supply and switching power supply.


  • Applications: Can mark on metals and a variety fo non-materials. Especially full-auto marking for power driver and other LED series products.



uninsured adj. 未保过险的

claremont graduate university 克莱蒙研究大学

interop 互操作

ignores vt. 忽视;不顾;(ignore的第三人称单数)

front office n. 总部;主要管理部门

procrustes 普罗克汝斯忒斯

chandelier n. 枝形吊灯

ordinary share 普通股

ice creams 冰淇淋

kangaroos n. 袋鼠;(kangaroo的复数)