'Only to a lady,' he returned with a cold smile.
Michael would have given him a cold smile and gone out of the house, not to be seen for months.
The chief stud at the Goldman Sachs–like firm of Churchill Schwartz, James has the polish and cold smile of a lizard with a manicure.
詹姆斯是高盛公司里最出名的花花公子。 就像丘吉尔-施瓦兹的球迷一样,他的微笑高雅却冰冷,有如一只长着长长指甲的蜥蜴。
The manager of Bingjiang Housing Management is very rude and arrogant. He never answered owners's reasonable questions instead of cold smile.
A car full of happiness, peace, saying to abandon all the troubles, and let the joy with you all around, storage, cold, warm feelings, life away to release happiness forever smile on you!