a white-headed North American eagle that includes fish among its prey. It is the national bird of the US but is now common only in Alaska.
n. 白头海((GFDB3))
The Braves are planning to send a bald eagle in flight as part of the pregame ceremonies for the night game.
When our foreign press plane arrived in San Rico, we were greeted by a cheering crowd and a marching band, and even a bald eagle.
Ben Franklin thought the turkey would better represent the country as its official bird than the bald eagle. But Joel Brandenberger disagrees.
本·富兰克林认为,与秃鹰相比,火鸡更能代表美国来作为国鸟。但 Joel Brandenberger 并不认同。
When the Endangered Species Act was signed in 1973, it was expected to protect charismatic fauna such as the bald eagle and Yellowstone's grizzly bears.
Some fish populations look healthier. The Bald Eagle once again nests nearby.
白头海雕(拉丁学名:Haliaeetus leucocephalus),鹰科海雕属动物,美国的国鸟,已列入《世界自然保护联盟》2013年濒危物种红色名录。 成年白头海雕体长可达1米,翼展2米多长。眼、嘴和脚为淡黄色,头、颈和尾部的羽毛为白色,身体其他部位的羽毛为暗褐色。上喙边端具弧形垂突,适于撕裂猎物吞食。基部具蜡膜或须状羽。翅强健,翅宽圆而钝,扇翅及翱翔飞行,扇翅节奏较隼科慢。其主要栖息在海岸、湖沼和河流附近。 路易斯安那州野生动物与渔业保护局获悉,史密斯被拍到拿着一只死亡的白头海雕,随后展开的调查在史密斯车中发现一支白头海雕的羽毛。经过警方讯问,史密斯2021年10月认罪,承认杀死一只白头海雕并留下一根羽毛。根据美国法律,任何人杀死或占有白头海雕,即便占有一根羽毛,也会受到法律惩罚。
a white-headed North American eagle that includes fish among its prey. It is the national bird of the US but is now common only in Alaska.