a thick cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface which obscures or restricts visibility (to a greater extent than mist; strictly, reducing visibility to below 1 km)
the collision occurred in thick fog. 碰撞发生在有浓雾时。
[in sing.]an opaque mass of something in the atmosphere
a whirling fog of dust. 尘雾旋涡。
[in sing.]
〈喻〉 搅乱形势(或思维)的事
the origins of local government are lost in a fog of detail. 地方自治的由来堕入细枝末节的云雾之中,难以考证。
【摄】 (底片等的)灰雾,雾翳。
cause (a glass surface) to become covered with steam
hot steam drifted about her ,fogging up the window. 她周围一片热蒸汽,窗玻璃也起了雾。
[no obj.](of a glass surface)become covered with steam
the windscreen was starting to fog up .挡风玻璃开始起雾。
〈喻〉 使迷惑,使不解
she stared at him, confusion fogging her brain. 她凝视着他,脑子里一团雾水。
〈喻〉 使(想法,形势)难以理解
the government has been fogging the issue. 政府一直在搅浑这个问题。
【摄】 使(胶片,底片,照片)变得不清晰,使产生雾翳。
treat with something, especially an insecticide, in the form of a spray
the grass which grows in a field after a crop of hay has been taken
long grass left standing in a pasture and used as winter grazing
in a fog in a state of perplexity; unable to think clearly or understand something 困惑不解,如坠五里雾中
"mid 16th cent.: perhaps a back-formation from