She aspired to marry the heir to the throne.
Vendors have previously aspired to create this kind of system to smooth transborder billing and settlement between nonair suppliers and agents, and IATA was one of those vendors.
The founders of the Blue School aspired to create something different: a private school not fixated on the Ivy League prospects of preschoolers and devoid of admissions hysteria.
The living form in the harmonious society is one full of honesty and trust aspired and sought by mankind, and is also a realm of life.
Today might be the only time that these two things coincide,such that we can afford the aid that we've always aspired to give.
Unlike many of the men they oversee, the new sheriffs of Wall Street never aspired to eight-figure compensation packages or corporate suites.
Although i did poorly in my study i aspired to do well in every subjects, so i ade a studying plan.
He never again aspired to disobey her.
Maybe you never aspired to be what you set out to be or said that you would become.
He had aspired so much for their respect.