a room in which actors or sports players change clothes before and after their performance or game
a small room attached to a bedroom, used for dressing in and to store clothes
n. 化妆室;更衣室;梳妆室
He just sat in the dressing room staring into space.
Graham attempted to quash rumours of growing discontent in the dressing room.
We went inside the team's dressing room moments after one of the most embarrassing defeats in their history.
She's sitting in my dressing room.
Where is dressing room?
大型购物中心或商场的时装柜台及时装专卖店中让顾客试衣的地方。最简单又最常见的试衣室是一个可容纳1一2个人的小房间,里面有挂衣钩及一面穿衣镜。试衣室门外也镶嵌着一面颇大的穿衣镜。这样顾客可以在较自由的空间与较充足的光线下左右前后审视衣着效果,并征询一下陪伴前来购衣的朋友的意见。 2017年12月1日,《公共服务领域英文译写规范》正式实施,规定试衣室标准英文名为Fitting Room 或 Dressing Room。
a room in which actors or sports players change clothes before and after their performance or game
a small room attached to a bedroom, used for dressing in and to store clothes
And now, as I've left my notes in my dressing room. We shall proceed to the vows. Monica?
《Friends Season 7》《老友记 第七季》
You ready? Are you supposed to be in the girls' dressing room? Just wanted to wish you good luck. "Break a leg", not "Good luck."
Rach, will you come with me to a dressing room? Sure. Okay.
《Friends Season 9》《老友记 第九季》
You're welcome. Now, pick something else out and go back into the dressing room and be happy and come out with that face on.
《Girl Meets World Season 2》《女孩成长记 第二季》