The objective is to observe curative effect of complex therapy for patients with peritendinitis on the muscle tendon for crooking.
Vestal looked up to see Belfred crooking a finger from the half darkness of the hall.
Vestal looked up to see Belfreda crooking a finger from the half-darkness of the hall.
Objective:Observe curitive effect of complex therapy for patients with peritendinitis on the muscle tendon for crooking.
Objective:Observe curitive effect of complex therapy for patients with peritendinitis on the muscle tendon for crooking.
The doctor told her to spend a few minutes crooking and uncrooking her fingers, several times a day, in order to keep the arthritic joints as supple as possible.
医生要她每天数次用几分钟时间弯曲和 舒展手指,以尽量 使发炎的关节保持柔软。