florida state university
时间: 2024-06-13 10:01:05


  • Anders Ericsson, a 58-year-old psychology professor at Florida State University, says he believes strongly in "none of the above".


  • Michael Ruse teaches the history and philosophy of science at Florida State University.


  • The theory of ego depletion was developed by Roy Baumeister, a psychologist at Florida State University.

    弗洛里达州立大学心理学家Roy Baumeister进一步阐明了“自我消亡”这一理论。

  • Florida state university of Florida's best of comprehensive university, with us is well worth a place to go.


  • Drawing seemed to be my main interest until I took a sculpture class when I was 19 at Florida State University.

    绘画似乎成为了我的主要兴趣,一直到19岁时我在佛罗里达州立大学(Florida State University)上雕塑课为止。

  • TOUR of Florida State University including everywhere you would have gone/eaten/partied in your four years at FSU.


  • The Elementary Education Program of Florida State University(FSU) aims at producing elementary teachers of high quality.


  • Ian MacDonald, a marine biologist at Florida State University, says the 160 or so dead dolphins are the tip of the biological iceberg.

    弗洛里达州立大学的海洋生物学家Ian MacDonald说,约160头海豚的死亡只是生物危机的冰山一角。

  • 'as long as there's no meltdown of the fuel rods, you're in good shape,' said Kirby Kemper, a nuclear physicist at Florida State University.

    佛罗里达州立大学(Florida State University)核物理学家坎佩尔(Kirby Kemper)说,只要燃料棒没有熔毁,就没有太大问题。

  • He graduated from Florida State University in 1983 and has spent the majority of his career in various aspects of operating system development.


  • Liu started his career in finance in 1996 at Bear Stearns after earning an MBA from Cornell and a PhD degree in physics from Florida State University.

    刘在康乃尔大学拿了工商管理硕士和在佛罗里达州立大学拿了物理博士学位后,在1996年在Bear Stearns开始了在金融业的工作。

  • Michael Ruse teaches the history and philosophy of science at Florida State University. His next book is on philosophical questions arising out of human evolution.


  • And a recent study led by food scientists at Florida State University suggests it can be an effective weapon against prehypertension, a precursor to cardiovascular disease.


  • James Elsner from Florida State University in Tallahassee, US and colleagues believed the link might become clearer if they analysed data according to the strength of storms.

    佛罗里达州立大学(位于Tallahassee)的James Elsner及其同事都认为如果从风暴猛烈程度来分析数据的话,那么这种联系会变得更明显。

  • This is the idea, first espoused by K. Anders Ericsson, a pyschologist at Florida State University, that it takes about 10,000 hours of practice before any individual can become an expert.


  • Florida State University psychologist Nathaniel Lambert put these two facts together and came up with an idea: Why not take all that prayer and direct it at the people who have wronged us?

    佛罗里达州立大学的心理学家Nathaniel Lambert把这两个事实加在一起,得出了如下的想法:何不为伤害过我们的人祈祷?

  • Saying "thank you" may benefit both the recipient and the person who express gratitude, according to the results of studies conducted by researchers at Florida State University in Tallahassee.


  • Simply saying "thank you" may benefit both the recipient and the person who express gratitude, according to the results of studies conducted by researchers at Florida State University in Tallahassee.


  • Beach books also may have been a factor. Florida was the only state with three cities on the list: Miami, Orlando and University of Florida's home, Gainesville.


  • A 2011 study by University of Florida researchers found that doctors in the state are doing far too many "open," or surgical, biopsies.



佛罗里达州立大学(Florida State University),简称FSU,创校于1851年,它是一所世界一流的公立研究型高等学府,位于美国佛州首府塔拉哈希(Tallahassee),在佛州大学体系中处于领导地位,是美国最具活力和创新力的高等教育机构之一,因拥有国际一流的教学师资和尖端的科学研究而享有崇高的学术声誉。 佛罗里达州立大学是一所享有世界级学术声誉和美国顶尖的研究型的大学,教授中有6位诺贝尔奖获得者及8名美国国家科学院院士,学校每年科研经费高达2亿美元。根据《美国新闻与世界报道》发布的2020美国大学排名,全美最佳公立大学第19位,全球最佳大学第190位,其中学校的公共管理学院排名全美第16,教育学院和法学院分别排名全美第40和第50,保险学、犯罪学专业位列全美前10,FAMU-FSU工程学院与佛罗里达农工大学共享校区,是全美唯一一所合作办学工程学院,居全美领先地位。QS世界大学学科排名中,酒店管理全球第33,表演艺术全球第56,统计与运筹学全球第151。


fifth floor 五楼

mony adj. 许多的

tolls n. 通行费;伤亡人数;钟声;代价;(toll的复数)。v. 敲钟;鸣钟;征收;征税;(toll的第三人称单数)

supersized 超大型

make predictions 做预测

columbus 哥伦布;哥伦布,克里斯托弗

erection procedure 安装程序

racing driver n. 赛车驾驶员;赛车选手

better adj. 更好的;(well和good的比较级)。adv. 更好地。v. 提高。n. 较好者;上司们;比自己能力强的人

snack food 休闲食品;小吃;零食