old identity
时间: 2024-02-16 03:06:06
英 [əʊld ʌɪˈdɛntɪti]
美 [oʊld ˌaɪˈdɛn(t)ədi]

n. 老居民;当地名人

  • Thus christened, my old identity began to fade, much as a baby will not remember all that happened before it is born.


  • And one of the signs of it is that you want to relate to people that ordinarily in your old identity you'd want nothing to do with.


  • Pros: By taking the root disks out of the old server and putting them in the new, you guarantee that the new server has the same identity as the old server.


  • Since none of the memories, desires, or personality of the old person remains, it seems as if the pincushion or soul is what is providing the criterion of identity.


  • Rest assured, this didn’t involve me snatching the purse of the weakest old woman I could find, taking her credit cards & social security number, & assuming her identity for a few weeks.


  • As for Rafe, having a father old enough to be his grandfather must also create problems of identity.

    尽管对我来说,人们都叫我Attenborough先生,而不是John Simpson,但是对Rafe来说,有一位老得足以当其祖父的父亲,总是会造成身份的识别问题。

  • Paul: The old way of doing composite apps assumed either no identity or fixed identities.


  • As movie plots are constructed out of old movies, so does rem and other stages of sleep remix new information with old memories, forming a huge part of our identity.


  • From the old man's cardigan and frayed tie to the youngster's torn jeans plus lip-stud, dress stands for identity.


  • Police spokesman Gordon Bassham would not confirm the victim's identity but said a 67-year-old "high-profile individual in the community" was shot and killed.

    警方发言人戈登·巴萨姆(Gordon Bassham)不愿确认遇害者的身份,只说一名67岁的“社区知名人物”遇刺身亡。

  • Mr Demjanjuk, who is 89 years old, was tried and convicted in Israel 20 years ago, but his conviction was quashed after doubts were raised over his identity. See article.


  • How can you forge a new identity at university when your Facebook is plastered with photos of the "old" you?


  • The building is located between an old village and a seventies development, so in order to underline a regional identity to the building it was coloured all red.


  • Dandyism rich two generations back to 1936 in old Shanghai, but the legendary chef came in 2016, two people have each other with each other's identity and destiny exchange through 80 years?


  • French police sources said, found in the truck belonging to a 31 year old Tunisian French identity.


  • The old users without registration in three years, will complete identity information put up.


  • This version introduces Identity Safe, which replaces and totally surpasses the old Privacy Control module. (Privacy Control is still present in the Add-On Pack, but it's obsolete).


  • The insured is at least 18 years old. He should apply for the survival benefit in person, with his identity card and policy.


  • As to the temporary divorce from my old self and the concealing of my identity, I hate to usurp all those designations though other people may think otherwise.


  • Ironically enough, there is still one age-old problem they unable to solve-identity.



Austral./NZ a person long resident or well known in a place

〈澳/新西兰〉 老居民;当地名人。


invidious adj. 可能遭人怨恨的;会惹人愤怒的;招人嫉妒的;厚此薄彼的;不公平的;歧视的

bather n. 游泳者;游泳衣

dials v. 拨号;拨打电话;用标度(盘)测量;(dial的第三人称单数)。n. 表盘;日晷;钟面;拨号盘;刻度盘;转盘;(dial的复数)

supplicated vi. 恳请;哀求;(supplicate的过去式)

remanded v. 送回;(remand的过去分词)。n. 还押

operational definition 运作定义;操作定义

quit one's job 辞职

endorsing vt. 赞同;支持;签署;(endorse的现在分词形式)

unpredictable adj. 无法预测的;不定的;易变的;不可预言的

on the move 在变换地方, 在奔波;在前进, 在发展