ongoing love-hate relationship
Historically, few relationships between neighbours have been as schizophrenic as the love-hate relationship between Russia and Poland.
This raises questions about how long a love-hate relationship has existed between herpesviruses and humans, and even about whether viral DNA should be considered a part of the infected person.
However, aside from him, I had a small group of friends who were totally honest about their love-hate relationship with the company and were exploring other options.
当然了,排除掉这个人,在公司我还是有一小群完全值得信任的朋友。 他们对公司爱恨交加,所以会经常留意其他的工作机遇,为跳槽随时准备着。
To save the market, many investors attitude can be said to be a love-hate relationship.
Most people admit to having a love-hate relationship with it (the TV).