There are two main problems linguists face when constructing these language family trees.
Like genealogists, modern linguists try to map this process by tracing multiple languages back as far as they can to their common ancestor, or protolanguage.
By systematically comparing these features and looking for regular patterns of sound changes and correspondences between languages, linguists can determine relationships, trace specific steps in their evolution and even reconstruct earlier languages with no written records.
Well, that's right, because we're a top-secret program. But I'll tell you, just because we're friends, that only last week, I rejected one of our great nation's top linguists. Knows German better than Bertolt Brecht.
《The Imitation Game》《模仿游戏》
Many linguists have looked at language in this way.
These theories are now largely discredited among linguists.
Within the profession of linguists there are, of course, fighting factions.
Cummings boldly experimented with this principle, and he attracted the attention of the linguists, particularly a linguist named Dell Hymes.
Concerning the semantic formula of -men, some linguists posit that -men is a plural marker in pronouns.