LU decomposition is a triangular decomposition approach of non-singular matrix, and the digital image can be seen as a matrix.
Based on the original precise integration method, the problem that singular matrix appears in non-homogeneous equation was discussed.
Necessary cycle detection is added to avoid the singular matrix appearing after gross error compensation,. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of modified algorithm.
Furthermore, each element in the singular stiffness matrix can be expressed by some more simple analytic formulas.
Using matrix iteration methods, the eigenvector derivatives can be iterated directly, solving the singular sensitivity equation can be avoided.
奇异矩阵是线性代数的概念,就是该矩阵的秩不是满秩。首先,看这个矩阵是不是方阵(即行数和列数相等的矩阵。若行数和列数不相等,那就谈不上奇异矩阵和非奇异矩阵)。 然后,再看此矩阵的行列式|A|是否等于0,若等于0,称矩阵A为奇异矩阵;若不等于0,称矩阵A为非奇异矩阵。 同时,由|A|≠0可知矩阵A可逆,这样可以得出另外一个重要结论:可逆矩阵就是非奇异矩阵,非奇异矩阵也是可逆矩阵。 如果A为奇异矩阵,则AX=0有无穷解,AX=b有无穷解或者无解。如果A为非奇异矩阵,则AX=0有且只有唯一零解,AX=b有唯一解。