This is imperative for you, as an individual, and for our success as a nation.
《Oprah Winfrey Speech at Harvard》《奥普拉演讲》
As an individual citizen based in south west of the country, I wanna speak it then.
《This is China》《这就是中国》
Now, we are getting unconfirmed reports that an individual has just been arrested...
To have an individual engaging in these state level interventions should give us all pause.
《Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice》《蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明》
We call this Pure O2. This is the first of our planned upgrades. Once we can roll back some of Halliday's ad restrictions, we estimate we can sell up to 80% of an individual's visual field before inducing seizures, so picture this.
《Ready Player One》《头号玩家》
If you'd like to recognize the greenness of an individual or organization, why not nominate them for an Environmental Achievement Award.
What can you do as an individual?
They have to be an individual and know that someone will be there to cover for them.
The strength of an individual, as compared with that of the masses, is but a drop in the ocean.
"It is easier," he says, "Don't look at an individual microscopically as it were through a magnifying glass."