International student offices at schools have to provide information on students each term to the Department of Homeland Security.
Besides, as an international student from China, I will talk about the application of international marketing concepts and practices of the UK business education based on my own experience.
I am an international student studying in Australia, do these changes affect me? When do these changes take place?
Do you know the time and place of the International Student Orientation Meeting?
A ethnicity , I am an international student, I am from China, the Chinese people are yellow on the categories of racial classification.
Undergraduate students must enroll in 12 or more credit hours in fall and spring semesters. Any exceptions to this must be approved by an International Student Advisor.
Hello, this is the International Student Office. My name is Leah. How may I help you?
Your international student adviser will be able to advise you in researching some of the options available for your family in your local community.
On another occasion, at an international student conference in Amsterdam, conducted in English, the lone British representative was asked to be “less English” so that the others could understand her.
Please carefully consult the "International Student Handbook of Hainan University" for more useful information.
Do not alter, damage any kinds of visas, documents and certificates issued by the International Student Office. Or the offenders will be punished and fined accordingly.
Are you an international student?
Today I'm going to talk about Stress and the International Student.
Tehy tell us that a female Asian international student was stabbed to death by a male Asian international student.
Montreal released the latest international student enrollment information announced that, for Chinese students, high school achievement reaches an average of 70 points or more can apply for.
The school has a rural setting with close access to major cities and provides international student program and quaker values.
Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements, International Student Version, 5th Edition.
As an international student, I highly recommend BU. I am very happy with my education, and having graduated from the School of Management (SMG) has opened many doors for me.
On behalf of the parents, we take care of each and every international student with professionalism, responsibility, and sinceritys.