Improved, SUPER SD Auth routine to fix session timeout issue.
Peak CPU in this case is associated with users opening their mail for the first time (following session timeout).
此处的 CPU 峰值与用户第一次打开他们的文件(接着会话超时)相关联。
Since we were not able to control the session size, we resorted to increasing the available heap space (see the next section) while reducing the session timeout.
This session timeout also defines how long session state is cached on the server on behalf of a user (WebSphere Application server sets this to 30 minutes by default).
这种会话超时也定义了服务器替用户缓存会话状态的最长时间(WebSphere Application Server默认将此设为30分钟)。
Finally, the browser receives the session duration time and sets a timeout to keep the connection alive.