A subtle rewording or configuration change may get you dramatically more useful responses.
The lack of impact of situational rewording cannot be explained in terms of the length of the resulting text.
What? You've already created your homepage? No problem. An easy fix: Try adding links or even rewording existing ones.
Play freely with the problem statement, rewording it several times. For a methodical approach, take single words and substitute variations.
Only conceptual rewording has proved to be useful for improving children's performance, especially among younger children and for difficult problems.
My success in course work and my passion for research demonstrated to me that I had both the interest and ability to enter this challenging and rewording field.
Method. In Study 1, children were asked to solve both easy and difficult two-step change problems in three different versions: standard, situational and conceptual rewording.
The interpreter must make their audience understand the real meaning, either through judicious choice of synonyms or by rewording a sentence, or at least through the appropriate tone of voice.