daily basis
时间: 2023-06-11 04:49:53
英 [ˈdeɪli ˈbeɪsɪs]
美 [ˈdeɪli ˈbeɪsəs]


  • The hire charge is computed on a daily basis.


  • It is also when soul is grounded to the center of the Earth that there is a pathway for the denser frequencies that one is detoxifying upon a daily basis to leave one's field in the act of ascending.


  • If you subscribe to more than one newsletter in a certain category (e.g. tech newsletters), choose the one that delivers the most value to you on a daily basis and get rid of the rest.


  • As a default, we will automatically, and on a daily basis, convert any positive or negative balance on your account in a currency other than your base currency to your base currency.


  • The Lunch box of Love was to raise awareness of the needs of many of the children in Shanghai and represent the conditions that these children live with on a daily basis.


  • In a world full of information we seem to be constantly toggling between managing all the new impressions we get on a daily basis and feeling totally overwhelmed by information overload.


  • Mark to market is a system in which banks must declare the value of assets such as securities on a daily basis, forcing them to be transparent about their balance sheets.


  • Start creating a nest egg for your transition now by creating a spreadsheet in your Blackberry or PDA that keeps track of where your money is going on a daily basis.


  • These people interact with your customers on a daily basis; they probably understand the true needs and wants of your target audience better than a marketing report could ever explain.


  • Not only are people with similar interests side by side on a daily basis, but the time they spend together is usually when they're most energetic and look their best。


  • Yes, she is female. Yes, we communicate on a daily basis, but no, she is not my girlfriend.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 4》《生活大爆炸 第四季》

  • I'm truly sorry for your loss. But you mustn't keep coming here on a daily basis. It doesn't help, and diverts time and resources from our investigation.


    《The Foreigner》《英伦对决》

  • Starting this week, these travelers will be required to report their temperatures and any symptoms on a daily basis, for 21 days until we're confident they don't have Ebola.


    《Your Weekly Address》《奥巴马每周电视讲话》


within an inch of 差点儿;贴近

have whiskers 古老;不再新奇

live-in adj. 寄住在雇主家的;居住的;与他人同居的;住宅的。n. 作为性伴侣与他人同居者;住家雇员

dialectical adj. 逻辑论证的;辩证的

run high 水满的, 高涨的, 水流湍急的;强烈, 剧烈

rehearsal room 排演室;排练室;排练场

dwarfing n. 侏儒;矮子。adj. 矮小的;相形见绌的。vt. 使矮小;(dwarf的现在分词形式)。vi. 变矮小;(dwarf的现在分词)

tenancies pl-n. 租赁;租用;(tenancy的复数)

variations n. 变种;变化;变异;变奏曲;(variation的复数)

walking into 走进