This alone alleviates a lot of the stress that comes from getting in over your head against an opponent who is much better at the game than you are.
Scientists have shown that the first gene-based therapy developed for Parkinson's disease substantially alleviates the symptoms of the condition without the need to leave any devices in the body.
NUMA alleviates these bottlenecks by limiting the number of CPUs on any one memory bus and connecting the various nodes by means of a high speed interconnection.
The results has shown that using N2 as the coolant can sufficiently alleviates the ablation of this contrast under a discharge condition imitating the real heat flux.
The condition, which can cause extreme daytime sleepiness, can be effectively treated with a special breathing device that alleviates the blockage by pushing air into throat.
We then argue that the existence of a self-enforcing mechanism in managerial teams alleviates free riding and may be the reason for the team to persist.
Qualitative and quantitative data show that the new model not only alleviates the foreign language anxiety of students, but also improves their oral and communicative skills.
The simulation results suggest that this algorithm not only significantly alleviates the heavy computing load, but also performs multi-target trajectory tracking effectively in the meantime.
Results After the treatment, the symptom rapidly alleviates.
This medicine regulates the stomach - qi and alleviates pain, specializing in the treatment of all stomachaches.
本药和胃止痛, 专治各类胃痛.