a river of the north-eastern US. Rising in the Catskill Mountains in New York State, it flows some 450 km (280 miles) southwards to northern Delaware, where it meets the Atlantic at Delaware Bay. For much of its length it forms the eastern border of Pennsylvania.
a state of the US on the Atlantic coast, one of the original thirteen states of the Union (1787); pop. 873,092 (est. 2008); capital, Dover.
特拉华州(美国大西洋海岸的一个州,联邦最早的13个州之一[1787] ,2008年估计人口873,092,首府多佛)。 – DERIVATIVE <Bold>Delawarean</Bold> <Italic>noun & ajective</Italic>.
a member of an American Indian people formerly inhabiting the Delaware River valley of New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania
[mass noun]either of two Algonquian languages (Munsi and Unami), both now extinct, spoken by this people
of or relating to the Delawares or their languages
"named after the River Delaware (see