【财政】 流动比率,清偿能力比率(银行或其他部门流动资产和债务的比率)。
Ratio of current assets to current liabilities. It is the main liquidity ratio.
The short date repays debt the ability, liquidity ratio, move the ratio soon, the cash discharge ratio, factor outside the form.
According to an investigation, China's enterprises accounted for accounts receivable liquidity ratio of more than 50%, far higher than the developed level of 20%.
Four large state-owned commercial Banks are involve in the problems as follows low capital adequacy ratio, low liquidity ratio, low assets revenue ratio and high bad loans.
Officials have recently expressed worries about strains on the liquidity of smaller Banks, and the lower reserve ratio will free up more funds for them to lend.
流动资产比率计算公式(Liquidity Ratio)指计算流动资产比率的公式,计算公式为流动资产/总资产*100%。具体的说:资产流动性比例=流动性资产期末余额/流动性负债期末余额*100%。能够衡量企业偿债能力的指标有:流动比率、速动比率、现金比率。