Painting, sculpture and architecture are collectively called the plastic arts.
This residual instinct can also help to explain how sales campaigns may work en masse by collectively preying on our deepest insecurities - you smell bad, you're not good enough, no one likes you.
France has called an emergency European Union summit for Monday to discuss what it might consider to do collectively in light of Russia's refusal to pull back all of its troops from Georgia.
Tile view properties and methods enable you to specify which column fields to display for each item, and to collectively control the size and appearance of all items within a tile-view window.
Humans are so determined to enslave one another to reap huge profits and wealth that they are unwilling yet collectively to allow another possibility for your energy source that is free.
We, as community members, often seek to make sense of these issues in all their complexity, to imagine possible solutions and to act, individually or collectively, to create social change.
We will act more quickly to solve longstanding problems, including the lack of basic old-age pensions for retirees of collectively owned enterprises that do not participate in group pension programs.
But about four thousand years ago, we have serious archaeological evidence of a whole civilisation that seems to have been collectively fascinated by the idea of confronting the bull.
There's no guaranteed interest rate, since the amount of money homeowners collectively pay back every month is a function of how many have refinanced and how many have defaulted.
They haven't had an offer yet that they like and so I suspect that both of them individually and collectively are pursuing their other alternatives and that's their prerogative.