a succulent green pear-shaped tropical fruit which resembles cucumber in flavour
the tropical American vine which yields this fruit, also producing an edible yam-like tuberous root
"late 19th cent.: from Spanish, from Nahuatl
n. 佛手瓜;佛手瓜植物
The chayote can be processed to preserves, jam, and beverage, etc., which indicates a promising deep processing and marketing prospect.
Chayote is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. It's also a great source of dietary fiber, vitamin c, vitamin K, folate, zinc, copper and manganese.
佛手瓜(学名:(Sechium edule (Jacq.) Swartz),又名千金瓜、隼人瓜、安南瓜、寿瓜、丰收瓜、洋瓜等,是一种葫芦科佛手瓜属植物。 佛手瓜具块状根的多年生宿根草质藤本,茎攀援或人工架生,有棱沟。叶柄纤细,无毛,长5-15厘米;叶片膜质,近圆形,中间的裂片较大,侧面的较小,先端渐尖,边缘有小细齿,基部心形,弯缺较深,近圆形,深1-3厘米,宽1-2厘米;上面深绿色,稍粗糙,背面淡绿色,有短柔毛,以脉上较密。卷须粗壮,有棱沟,无毛,3-5歧。雌雄同株。原产南美洲。中国云南、广西、广东等地有栽培或逸为野生。 瓜形如两掌合十,有佛教祝福之意,深受人们喜爱。
a succulent green pear-shaped tropical fruit which resembles cucumber in flavour
the tropical American vine which yields this fruit, also producing an edible yam-like tuberous root
"late 19th cent.: from Spanish, from Nahuatl