washington state university
时间: 2023-10-02 16:53:35


  • He graduated from Washington State University Seattle.


  • BOB DOUGHTY: Brian Tissot is a Marine ecologist with Washington State University.


  • The number of possible cases of H1N1 at Washington State University now increasing.


  • This Pet Health Topic was written by Sarah Hoggan, Washington State University, Class of 2001.


  • Radiation scientist Antone Brooks of Washington State University, Richland, finds the study intriguing.


  • The Washington State University graduate said his training as a combat controller helped him on his road to recovery.


  • Washington State University assumes no liability for injury to you or your pet incurred by following these descriptions or procedures.


  • Potted plants are particularly beneficial for offices where workers do not have a window, according to a report from Washington State University.


  • The total carbon footprint to produce one pound of beef was reduced by 14 percent since 1977, according to research by Washington State University.


  • But to Washington State University neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp, this supposed pleasure center didn't look very much like it was producing pleasure.

    但华盛顿州立大学的神经科学家Jaak Panksepp认为,被视作大脑快乐中枢的地方看起来并没有产生快乐。

  • "Anything that is high in fat will be low in moisture," says Barry Swanson, a professor at the Washington State University department of food science.

    巴里·斯万生(Barry Swanson)说。他是华盛顿州立大学食品科学系的教授。

  • That, at least, is the conclusion of a study by Craig Parks of Washington State University and Asako Stone, of the Desert Research Institute in Nevada.


  • The archaeological field school of Washington State University was sponsoring a summer research project at a site alongside the Snake River in Washington.


  • And while wind power has become more popular than solar power in the United States, researchers at Washington State University just decided to combine them.


  • Jaak Panksepp of Washington State University, who studies laughter-like responses in animals but didn't participate in the new work, called the paper exciting.


  • One Washington State University study found that a group of stressed out people who entered a room full of plants had a four-point drop in their blood pressure.


  • A Washington State University study of the chemistry of technetium-99 has improved understanding of the challenging nuclear waste and could lead to better cleanup methods.

    华盛顿州立大学一项有关锝- 99的化学研究,提升了我们对这种具有挑战性的核废料的认知,而且会让我们找到更好的清理方法。

  • But the research by Crowder, an insect ecologist at Washington State University in Pullman, and his colleagues, shows the importance of 'evenness' - the relative abundance of different species.


  • But Lagat, who became a U. S. citizen in 2004, insists he's a legit American: he's lived in the country for more than a decade, attended Washington State University, and now resides in Arizona.


  • She spent two years as a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology in Munich, Germany, then carried out research at Washington State University where her husband was a professor.



华盛顿州立大学(Washington State University),简称WSU,是一所美国著名的公立研究型大学,成立于1890年,拥有120多年的建校史,学校的主校区坐落在华盛顿州威特曼郡的普尔曼市(Pullman, Whitman County),校园占地620公顷,在州内还建有斯波坎校区(Spokane)、三城校区(Tri-Cities)和温哥华校区(Vancouver),四个校区共有来自美国50个州和世界100多个国家的23,000多名在校生。 华盛顿州立大学在悠久的历史长河中锻造了无数的学识和成就,拥有知名的教授、卓越的学生和多元文化观点的社区环境,是美国108所获得卡内基研究基金的大学之一,被评为“高密度研究型大学”。学校在小型谷物遗传育种方面世界领先,并已经帮助华盛顿州成为世界最高产的小麦生产区。大学设有文理学院、商科经济、工程建筑、农科及家政、教育、药剂、护理和兽医学八个学院。 华盛顿州立大学被《美国新闻与世界报道》(US News)评为一级国家级大学,位列美国公立大学前50名,全美大学排名第143名,护理学院排名40,社会学院排名46,其中酒店管理专业本科位居美国大学前5名,也是该校修读学生最多的专业,兽医学、犯罪学、生物工程与农业工程等研究生专业位列全美前20,经济学,国际商务、材料工程、土木工程、药剂学等专业位列全美前50。 大学校训:世界一流,与大师面对面(World Class, Face to Face);学校代表色:深红色、灰色;昵称:美洲狮(Cougar)。


prevaricated v. 搪塞;闪烁其词;吞吞吐吐;(prevaricate的过去式和过去分词)

glide v. 滑动;滑翔;使滑行;使滑动。n. 滑行;滑动;滑移;滑音;延音;停车机动;飞行;斜击;滑行型舞步

exes n. 费用;(ex的复数)

burial n. 埋葬;掩埋;葬礼;坟墓;遗骸;出殡;遗骨;葬地

matsuyama 松山

besting vt. 打败;胜过;(best的现在分词)

data roaming

speaker n. 说话者;议长;演讲者;做讲座者;讲某种语言的人

our hopes 我们的希望

leaped n. 跳跃;跃进。v. 跳跃;(leap的过去式和过去分词)