But the problem is, if you're a coach potato, it's easy to feel judged.
First, my husband became a coach potato, and now my son is becoming a mouse potato.
FLATOW: Yeah because, you know, a lot of times, people say, well, I've been a coach potato my whole life.
主持人F :很多时候人们会说,我已经窝在沙发上一辈子了,我现在能干什么?
Prof. KRAMER: Well, the participants in our study could all say I've been a coach potato for quite some time, I'm very de-conditioned.
教授K :我们的实验对象都会说,我窝在沙发上很长时间啦,我非常缺乏锻炼。
If someone is a coach potato, they would definitely want to run for at least six months (a year is better) before starting marathon training.