What overshadows everything else is the castle.
It undermines China and overshadows the influence of the European Union.
But Maxwell's work in the theory of electricity and magnetism far overshadows his other work.
The trick is to not feel subpar when a travel snob overshadows your story with one of their own.
U8 :It goes without saying that Shakespeare overshadows all the other playwrights through the ages.
The white of the moon overshadows the orange of the fisherman's lamp, and becomes something a subject of the eternal bright.
The ostensible opposition between translatability and intranslatahihy overshadows the focus on different aspects of the language system.
Windows 7 has gotten favorable reviews, and the Bing search engine is creeping up in market share, though [gm99nd] Inc. still overshadows it.
Windows 7好评如潮,必应(Bing)搜索引擎的市场份额不断爬升,尽管在[gm 66nd] ([gm 99nd] Inc。)面前仍相形见绌。
An unresolved longing to recapture that moment permeates both their lives, and the will-they-won 't-they question overshadows the whole book.
Indeed, Sanya has gained the reputation of "Not Hawaii, but overshadows Hawaii", for its jade-like azure waters, silky beaches, rainbow-shaped bays and picturesque scenes.
Managed by Fairmont Hotels and Resorts, Fairmont Peace Hotel, overlooking Shanghai's Huangpu River, boasts a history that overshadows that of any other hotel in the Far East.